Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 3: The Chemical Building Blocks of Life

Post Test

If added to a water-soluble molecule, which of the following functional groups will most likely decrease its solubility? (p. 34)
In which way is cellulose different from amylose? (p. 40)
A)Amylose glucose residues are held together with b-bonds, which do not hydrolyze as easily as the a-bonds within cellulose.
B)Both are made from glucose, but cellulose contains more nitrogen as well.
C)Cellulose is found in plants, while amylose is found in animals.
D)Cellulose chains are long, unbranched, and straight enough to pack into fibers which resist metabolic breakdown.
E)Although both are branching structures, amylose has more branching points than cellulose, and so contains more glucose residues.
From the bonding between complementary bases shown in Figure 3.16, which of the following statements seems most correct? (p. 43)
A)A-G base pairs are more stable than A-C pairs.
B)G-C base pairs are probably more durable than A-T pairs.
C)Adenine is more common than guanine in an RNA molecule.
D)Only DNA uses an alternation of pentose and phosphate in its backbone.
E)Nitrogenous bases are hidden from the aqueous environment of the cell in RNA molecules.
Which kinds of bonds or interactions support tertiary structure in proteins? (p. 48)
D)Hydrophobic exclusion
E)All of the above support tertiary structure in proteins
Why are plant fats more fluid ("liquid oil") at room temperature than those obtained from animals? (p. 54)
A)Animal fats are based on steroids, such as cholesterol.
B)Plant fats are often unsaturated.
C)Fatty acids in animals, but not plants, are often branched structures.
D)Fatty acids in animal fats are longer than those found in plants.
E)Two of the above are true.
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