Biology (Mader), 10th Edition

Chapter 14: Biotechnology and Genomics

Fearless Gene

Objective: Students will be able to identify the control that the amygdala has on fear and what is now thought through studies to be the gene that controls the development of this portion of the brain.

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What does the gene called Neurod2 control in the human body?
A)the production of testosterone in males
B)the suppression of cyclic AMP in all body cells
C)the formation of the amygdala portion of the brain
D)the breakdown of acetylcholine in neuron receptors

The key control that the amygdala is responsible for is:
B)temperature regulation
C)water balance

Regarding the studies done on the Neurod2 genes control, which of the following statements is true?
A)Mice who did not have the gene expressed notably more fear than those who did.
B)Mice who did not have the gene expressed little fear compared to the control mice.
C)There was no significant difference in expression of fear with mice who had the gene and those who didn’t.
D)Mice who had the gene were much more relaxed than those who didn’t have it.

In humans which of the following is true regarding this gene research?
A)Humans will not likely be found without the Neurod2 gene
B)Humans may have different gene sequences of the Neurod2 gene
C)It may be determined that varying gene sequences account for varied responses to fear.
D)Two of the above are true
E)All of the above are true

What measurement device can be used to see a humans response to fearful situations?
A)CAT scan
B)Functional MRI’s
D)Ultra sound
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