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Discussion Questions
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  1. What is the difference between OSM and OR/MS? Between OSM and IE?
  2. How would you distinguish OSM from management and organizational behavior as taught at your university?
  3. Look at the want ads in The Wall Street Journal and evaluate the opportunities for an OSM major with several years of experience.
  4. What factors account for the resurgence of interest in OSM today?
  5. Using Exhibit 1.2 as a model, describe the input-transformation-output relationships in the following systems:
    1. An airline.
    2. A state penitentiary.
    3. A branch office of a bank.
    4. The home office of a major banking firm.
  6. Is the DVD accompanying this book a good or a service? Explain.
  7. Define the service package of your college or university. What is its strongest element? Its weakest one?
  8. What service industry has impressed you the most with its innovativeness?
  9. What might make the COO's job at Apple more challenging than that of less innovative manufacturers?
  10. What are value-added services and what are the benefits to external customers?
  11. What is the difference between a service and a good?
  12. Recent outsourcing of parts and services that had previously been produced internally is addressed by which current issue facing operation management today?

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