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Internet Exercises
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He said…She said
www.tymson.comGender Games. Go to the "Gender Games" Web site of Australian business communications consultant Candy Tymson ( Click on click on "Articles and Stories." If you are a male, review "10 Strategies for Men," and if you are a female, review "10 Strategies for." At the next meeting of a work or study group you are part of, look for opportunities to use these tips, and make a serious effort to adapt your communication style when dealing with group members of the opposite sex.

Were there any strategies that you immediately sensed would be helpful? What past experiences did you have that led to this perception?
Which strategy did you find most useful? What happened when you used it?
Which strategy or strategies seemed to be most effective in making cross-gender communication easier? Why?

Communication Skills
www.queendom.comCommunications Skills Testing. Managers, who are responsible for getting things accomplished with and through others, simply cannot be effective if they are unable to interact skillfully in social settings. As with any skill development program, you need to know where you are before constructing a learning agenda for where you want to be. Go to QueenDom ( ), and select the category "Relationships." (Note: Our use of this site is for instructional purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of any products that may or may not suit your needs. There is no obligation to buy anything.) Next, select "Communication Skills. Read the brief instructions, complete all items, and click on the "Score" button for automatic scoring. It is possible, if you choose, to print a personal copy of your completed questionnaire and results. If you have time, some of the other relationships tests as well as attitude and lifestyle and personality test are interesting and fun. We recommend trying the following ones: Arguing Style Test; Assertiveness Test; and Conflict Management Test.

How did you score? Are you pleasantly (or unpleasantly) surprised by your score?
What is your strongest social/communication skill?
Reviewing the questionnaire item by item, can you find obvious weak spots in your social/communication skills? For instance, are you a poor listener? Do you interrupt too often? Do you need to be more aware of others, both verbally and nonverbally? Do you have a hard time tuning into others' feelings or expressing your own feelings? How do you handle disagreement?
In view of the results of this questionnaire, what is your learning agenda for improving your social and communication skills?

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