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www.pon.harvard.eduUnderstanding Negotiation. Harvard Law School, in cooperation with other leading universities, hosts the Internet site "Program on Negotiation" ( Select the heading "Teaching Materials &Publications" from the main menu. Next, click on ""Publications". Scroll down to "Resources" "Videos". Scroll down to watch Professor Mandell's video on "Overcoming Obstacles in Negotiation"

What new insights did you pick up from the video? Explain
Do you now have a greater appreciation of the importance and complexity of the field of negotiation? Explain
What do you need to do to become a better negotiator in important aspects of your life (such as relationships, family disagreements, pay raises and promotions, legal disputes, and academic assignments and grades)?

www.queendom.comA Free Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Assertiveness. As covered in this chapter, communication styles vary from nonassertive to aggressive. We recommended that you strive to use an assertive style while avoiding the tendencies of being nonassertive or aggressive. In trying to be assertive, however, keep in mind that too much of a good thing is bad. That is, the use of an assertive style can transform to an aggressive one if it is taken too far.
The purpose of this exercise is to provide you with feedback on the extent to which you use an assertive communication style. Go to the Internet home page for QueenDom ( ), in the search box type Assertiveness Test. (Note: Our use of this questionnaire is for instructional purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of any products that may or may not suit your needs. There is no obligation to buy anything.) Now select the "Assertiveness Test," and then read the instructions, complete all items, and click on the "score" button for automatic scoring. Read the interpretation of your results.

Possible scores on the self-assessment questionnaire range from 0 to 100. How did you score? Are you surprised by the results? Do you agree with the interpretation of your score?
Reviewing the questionnaire item by item, can you find aspects of communication in which you are either nonassertive or possibly too assertive? Do you think that your communication style can be improved by making adjustments within these areas of communication?

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