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Exploring the Web Exercises
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  1. Enter the website of Dupont Canada, Navigate to Home Consulting Services and Process Technologies DuPont Sustainable Solutions Safety Culture in Capital Projects and click on the “Learn More” link to find the pdf article titled at “Implementation Of Process Safety Management (Psm) In Capital Projects”

    (This website also has an interesting article about implementation of process safety management into diverse corporate cultures, with a good discussion of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.) implementation of process safety management

    • What dimensions of the organization need to be changed to create a “safety culture”?

    • Identify the activities that relate to the four stages of change outlined in the text.

    • What activities are done to “unfreeze” and “refreeze” the cultural change?

  2. Find the website of a company that is in the process of making major organizational changes. What are these changes? How are they being implemented? What kinds of obstacles to change do you think managers in this company may be encountering?

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