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Public Speaking for College and Career, 6/e
Hamilton Gregory
Student Center
Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Speaking
Chapter 2: Controlling Nervousness
Chapter 3: Listening
Chapter 4: Reaching the Audience
Chapter 5: Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea
Chapter 6: Finding Information
Chapter 7: Using Information Wisely and Ethically
Chapter 8: Supporting Your Ideas
Chapter 9: Visual Aids
Chapter 10: The Body of the Speech
Chapter 11: Introductions and Conclusions
Chapter 12: Outlining the Speech
Chapter 13: Wording the Speech
Chapter 14: Delivering the Speech
Chapter 15: Speaking to Inform
Chapter 16: Speaking to Persuade
Chapter 17: Persuasive Strategies
Chapter 18: Special Types of Speeches
Chapter 19: Speaking in Groups
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