1. Customizing a Portal Sites like Yahoo, Excite, and Lycos were originally called "search engines" because they were designed strictly to help people search for other sites. Now, these sites have become "web portals." They have developed their services and encourage people to treat them like destination sites. As part of their new package, they offer tools that help you create customized information pages for yourself. Other pages will allow you to create a personal page, but few are as extensive as these three. Your job is to create a personal page on one of these services. First, you will need to create an account. Go to Yahoo.com, Excite.com, or Lycos.com. On Yahoo and Lycos, they are called My Yahoo and My Lycos, respectively. On Excite, it is called "Create your Start Page." Follow the instructions given by the portal to create your start page. How many features do they offer? What did you like and what did you wish you could do? 2. Chatting There are two broad classes of online chatting: synchronous and asynchronous, live or time-shifted. Your instructor may have a favorite online chat area. If not, go to the web portal you created above and join a live chat. Asynchronous message boards can be found on Lycos. On Yahoo, they are called clubs, and can be found at http://clubs.yahoo.com. Many media sites have message boards as well. Do not mistake instant messaging for message boards. What differences do you see between synchronous and asynchronous chatting? Which do you like better? 3. Meeting People The Internet allows people to connect with others they may not otherwise meet. Use the web portal you have been using to find someone who shares your name. More common names may be found through any search engine. You may also need to do a people search. How many people share your name? What do they do? 4. Bookmarks As you surf the Internet, you will find sites that you will want to find again. Your browser can create a list of pages you want to remember. On Internet Explorer, this function is called "Favorites." On Netscape, it is called "Bookmarks." Choose pages (your personal portal page maybe) and select "add" from the "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" menu. |