1. Online Bookstores Are you getting the best deal possible on books? It is time to go shopping. Take three books you've purchased recently, which still have the price tags on them. Go to bookstore sites such as Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Borders, VarsityBooks, or others. Compare the prices you paid for your books with the prices in at least two online bookstores. Which had the lowest price? Which site did you like the best? 2. Search a Book Database Most libraries have moved their old card catalogs online. Many of these can
be searched via the Internet. Chose a specific topic area from Dynamics of
Mass Communication and search your own library, another university library,
and the Library of Congress for books on
that subject. Try to keep the search as similar as possible. How do the results
differ in the three libraries? Which library site was easiest to navigate? 3. Project Gutenberg One of the oldest services on the Internet is Project Gutenberg. Named after the early printer, Project Gutenberg is a non-profit association that distributes public domain books online. Go to www.gutenberg.net and select a book to download. Would you read a book this way? |