is the amount of information that can travel from one place to another in a given amount of time.
Client computer
is essentially the computer you use to move around the Internet and access the information and services on a server computer.
Communications protocol (protocol)
is a set of rules that every computer follows to transfer information.
Connectivity software
enables you to use your computer to "dial up" or connect to another computer.
Directory search engine
organizes listings of Web sites into hierarchical lists.
Domain name
identifies a specific computer on the Internet and the main page for an entire site.
E-mail (short for electronic mail)
is software you use to electronically communicate with other people.
E-mail address
is a unique address for a person using an e-mail system.
File transfer protocol (FTP)
is the communications protocol that allows you to transfer files of information from one computer to another.
FTP server
maintains a collection of files that you can download
Hypertext transfer protocol (http)
is the communications protocol that supports the movement of information over the Web, essentially from a Web server to you.
is a vast network of networked computers (hardware and software) that connects millions of people all over the world.
Internet backbone
is the major set of connections for computers on the Internet.
Internet service provider (ISP)
is a company that provides individuals, organizations, and businesses access to the Internet.
IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
server supports your use of discussions groups and chat rooms.
Mail server
provides e-mail services and accounts.
is Web browser software for Web phones that can display text information in a small amount of space.
is a device that connects your computer through a phone line to a network of other computers.
is simply a collection of computers that support the sharing of information and hardware devices.
Network access point (NAP)
is a point on the Internet where several connections converge.
Network service provider (NSP)
such as MCI or AT&T, owns and maintains routing computers at NAPs and even the lines that connect the NAPs to each other.
Search engine
is a facility on the Web that allows you to find Web sites by key word or words.
Server computer
(also called a host computer) is a computer on the Internet that provides information and services to other computers and Internet users such as you.
TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
is the basic communications protocol that makes the Internet work.
Top-level domain
is the three character extension of a Web site address.
True search engine
uses software agent technologies to search the Web for key words and place them into indexes.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
is an address for a specific Web page or document within a Web site.
Web computer
is a scaled down version of today's typical computer systems that provides Web access but costs about half the price.
Web page
is a specific portion of a Web site that deals with a certain topic.
Web phone
is a special type of cell phone that allows you to access the Web.
Web portal
is a site that provides a wide range of services, including search engines, free e-mail, chat rooms, discussion boards, and links to hundreds of different sites.
Web server provides
information and services to Web surfers.
Web space
is a storage area where you keep your Web site.
World Wide Web (Web)
is the Internet in a linked multimedia form.