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I-Series Computing Concepts
Stephen Haag, University of Denver
Maeve Cummings, Pittsburg State University
Alan I Rea, Jr., Western Michigan University

The World Wide Web And The Internet

Search Engines

A search engine is a facility on the Web that allows you to find Web sites by key word or words.

There are two types of search engines:

  • A directory search engine organizes listings of Web sites into hierarchical lists.
  • A true search engine uses software agent technologies to search the Web for key words and places them into indexes.

If you'd like to see a fairly comprehensive list of search engines, we recommend Netstrider .

Below we've listed just a few of the many search engines you can find on the Web.

Some search engines, such as Ask Jeeves, allow you to enter a question. For example, you could ask "What's the tallest mountain in North America?" (don't enter the quotes)

Directory search engines, on the other hand, require that you enter a list of key words. When entering a list of key words, you can make use of a minus sign (-), plus sign (+), and quotes to refine your search. For example, if you wanted to find Web sites with information concerning the Miami Dolphins NFL football team, you could enter:

  • "Miami Dolphins" -- would find only those sites with the two listed key words in that exact order
  • Miami +Dolphins -- would find only those sites with the two listed key words regardless of their order
  • Miami +Dolphins --mammal -- would find only those sites with Miami and Dolphins as key words and would exclude any site that listed mammal as a key word
