Affiliate program (associate program)
allows you to sell goods and services via another e-commerce site.
Banner ad
is a graphical advertisement that will take you to an e-commerce site if you click on it.
Basic formatting tag
is an HTML tag that tells a Web browser how to display text in formats such as bold, italic, and underline.
Brick-and-mortar business
exists only in the physical world and performs no e-commerce functions.
Business to business electronic commerce (B2B e-commerce)
occurs when a business sells products and services through e-commerce to customers who are primarily other businesses.
Business to consumer electronic commerce (B2C e-commerce)
occurs when a business sells products and services through e-commerce to customers who are primarily individuals.
Cascading style sheet
is a method of creating one file that contains your entire theme (color, fonts, etc.) for your Web site.
Click-and-mortar business
has both a presence in the physical world (such as a store) and a Web site that supports some type of e-commerce.
Click-and-order business
exists solely on the Web with no physical presence that you can visit to buy products and services.
is information that is captured when you click on a banner ad to go from one Web site to another.
Consumer to consumer electronic commerce (C2C e-commerce)
occurs when a person (such as you) sells products and services to another person through e-commerce.
is a small text file containing information about you that's stored on your computer's hard drive.
Customer service
makes sure that a customer knows about the product and has no questions about buying it or what happens afterward.
Digital money
allows you to purchase items using a bank account balance instead of a credit card.
enabled Web site host allows you to build a virtual storefront, create a catalog, process secure payments, provide customer service, and manage your e-commerce Web site.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce)
is commerce that technology facilitates and enhances.
Electronic data interchange (EDI)
is a set of guidelines for electronically handling the ordering, billing and paying of goods and services.
is the technology used to hide the information and make it secure.
is software that helps you create animated and interactive Web pages.
Font tag
is an HTML tag that allows you to change the size of your text, specify a font type, and or specify a color.
FTP program
moves files from your computer to your Web server so people can view them on the Web.
Heading tag
is an HTML tag that makes certain information, such as titles, stand out on your Web page.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
is the basic language used to create Web pages.
HTML document
is a file that contains HTML tags and the information you want to appear on your Web page.
HTML tag
specifies the formatting and presentation of information on a Web page.
Image format
contains instructions to create and store information about an image.
Image tag
is an HTML tag you use to insert photos and other images onto your Web page.
Internet mall
provides the Web space and utilities (in this case, software) and you supply the information and products.
Java applet
is a small piece of software that enables applications to run on a Web page.
is a scripting language that allows you to add interactivity and other features to a Web page.
Link tag
is an HTML tag that you sue to create links on your Web page to other sites, pages, downloadable files such as audio and video, and e-mail.
List tag
is an HTML tag that allows you to present information in the form of a list, either numbered or unnumbered.
M-commerce (mobile e-commerce)
allows you to use wireless devices such as cell phones or PDAs to buy and sell products and services.
refers to how easily surfers can find what they need on a Web page or Web site.
Opting in
is when you give permission for alternative uses of your personal information.
Opting out
is when you say no to alternative uses of your personal information.
is the process of customizing a Web page or series of Web pages according to a customer's preferences.
Player (viewer)
is software that works outside of your Web browsers to play multimedia.
is software that works within your Web browser to play multimedia.
Pop-up ad
appears on your screen to draw attention to its content.
Secure transaction
uses specific protocols to keep sensitive information from others.
is software that helps you create Web pages with significant interactivity through Web multimedia.
Shopping cart
is software that stores information about your e-commerce purchases.
Site map
is a sketch or diagram of how all of your Web pages work together.
Streaming media
continually sends small parts of a large file to your Web browser as you watch or listen to what you've already downloaded.
is the coordinated presentation of colors, text and other elements that appear on your Web site.
refers to how easy or difficult it is to use a Web page or site.
Viral marketing
is a technique that e-commerce businesses use to gather personal information about you, use that information in their own promotional campaigns, and sell that information to other e-commerce businesses.
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
creates a virtual world in which users have the illusion that they are physically participating in the presentation of the Web multimedia.
Web audio
is all of the sounds and music on the Web.
Web developer
is a person who professionally creates Web sites.
Web multimedia
is the use of audio, video, animation, and other elements to allow interactivity on a Web site or page.
Web site management software
allows you to create, update, and manage all of your Web pages quickly and efficiently.
Web video
is all of the movies on the Web.
or "What You See Is What You Get" HTML editor, displays how your Web pages will look.
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
allows you to use key words to identify similar items and organize information on the Web.