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I-Series Computing Concepts
Stephen Haag, University of Denver
Maeve Cummings, Pittsburg State University
Alan I Rea, Jr., Western Michigan University

Emerging Technologies


Automatic speech recognition (ASR)    system captures your speech and can distinguish your words and word groupings to form sentences.
Biometrics    is the use of physical characteristics, such as your fingerprint, the blood vessels in the retina of your eye, or perhaps the sound of your voice, to provide identification.
CAVE (cave automatic virtual environment)    is a special 3-D virtual reality room that can display images of other people and objects located in other CAVEs all over the world.
E-cash (or electronic cash or digital cash)    is exactly what its name implies - an electronic representation of cash.
Feature analysis    captures your words as you speak, converting the digital signals of your speech into phonemes.
Glove    is an input device that captures the shape and movements of your hand and fingers.
Headset    is a combined input and output device that (1) captures the movement of your head from side to side and up and down and (2) includes a special screen that covers your entire field of vision.
Holographic device    creates, captures, and/or displays images in true 3-dimensional form.
Intelligent home appliance    contains embedded computer technology that controls numerous functions and is capable of making some decisions.
Language processing    attempts to make sense of what you're saying by comparing the possible word phonemes to rules in a language model database.
Pattern classification    attempts to recognize your spoken phonemes by locating a matching phoneme (or phoneme sequence) among words stored in an acoustic model database.
Push technology    is an environment in which businesses and organizations come to you with information, services, and product offerings based on your profile.
Three-dimensional (3-D) technology    presents information to you in such a way that you have the illusion that the object you're viewing is actually in the room with you.
Virtual reality    is a three-dimensional computer simulation in which you actively and physically participate.
Walker    captures the movement of your feet and body as you walk or turn in different directions.
