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Multiple Choice
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Developmental psychologists
A)emphasize the study of children and adolescents.
B)study environmental factors without consideration of biological patterns.
C)are interested in changes that occur throughout life.
D)consider general trends, not day-to-day patterns.

Place the following developmental stages in order:
A)embryo, zygote, fetus, neonate
B)zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate
C)neonate, zygote, embryo, fetus
D)zygote, fetus, embryo, neonate

According to Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky,
A)culture has an influence on cognitive development.
B)cognitive development is not influenced by social factors.
C)cognitive development occurs at the same rate regardless of the assistance a child receives.
D)culture and cognitive development are not related.

The number of fathers who are primary caregivers for their children
A)has decreased significantly.
B)has decreased slightly.
C)has remained steady the last three decades.
D)has grown significantly.

Psychologists have studied a particular high-school graduating class since they were in kindergarten. This is an example of
A)cross-sectional research.
B)longitudinal research.
C)evolutionary research.
D)cross-sequential research.

Abstract thought characterizes Piaget's
A)sensorimotor stage.
B)formal operational stage.
C)preoperational stage.
D)concrete operational stage.

Which parenting style is characterized by setting clear limits, reasoning with children, and explaining things to them?

The last childhood stage of Erikson's psychosocial development theory is
A)trust versus mistrust.
B)industry versus inferiority.
C)autonomy versus shame and doubt.
D)initiative versus guilt.

At the ______________ level of morality, the concrete interests of the individual are considered in terms of rewards and punishments.

Some adolescents develop (an) ______________ ______________, which is the view that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one else.
A)adolescent egocentrism
B)inferiority complex
C)personal fables
D)adolescent isolation

With regard to the decline in intellectual functioning during late adulthood,
A)skills relating to fluid and crystallized intelligence remain steady.
B)skills relating to fluid intelligence decline, while skills relating to crystallized intelligence remain steady.
C)skills relating to fluid intelligence remain steady, while skills relating to crystallized intelligence decline.
D)skills relating to fluid and crystallized intelligence both decline.

The ______________ state(s) that the elderly who age most successfully are those who maintain the interests and activities they had during middle age.
A)genetic preprogramming theories of aging
B)wear-and-tear theories of aging
C)activity theory of aging
D)disengagement theory of aging

Which stage of Erikson's psychosocial development theory deals with adolescence?
A)intimacy vs. isolation
B)generativity vs. stagnation
C)ego-integrity vs. despair
D)identity vs. role confusion

The percentage of unmarried couples in American households has ______________, and the average age at which marriage takes place is ______________ than at anytime since the turn of the century.
A)increased; higher
B)decreased; higher
C)decreased; lower
D)increased; lower

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross observed that people facing death move through five stages in the following order:
A)bargaining, anger, denial, acceptance, depression
B)denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
C)anger, bargaining, denial, depression, acceptance
D)denial, depression, anger, bargaining, acceptance

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