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Multiple Choice
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Which type of teaching paradigm would focus on a technical or "one right way to teach" approach to presenting content?
A)learning paradigm
B)instructional paradigm
C)value-added paradigm
D)none of the above

The authoritarian teaching style shares some characteristics with what is now called the
A)democratic teacher.
B)indirect teacher.
C)laissez-faire teacher.
D)direct instruction teacher.

Instruction that takes into account various types of learners and learning styles and is adapted accordingly is said to be
C)direct instruction.
D)none of the above

According to recent research, which of the following teacher characteristics definitely influences how much students learn?
A)previous teaching experience
B)certification or licensure
C)strong content knowledge
D)having a master's degree

A heavy emphasis on measurable outcomes often leads to
A)rote learning
C)a & b
D)none of the above

Culturally relevant teachers are persons who
A)see teaching as an art.
B)encourage students to give back something to the community and to others.
C)help students make connections among their community, national, and global identities.
D)all of the above

A number of different researchers have studied teacher characteristics as they relate to student achievement. Of the following researchers, who would not be classified in that way?
A)A.S. Barr
B)Barak Rosenshine
C)Robert Rosenthal
D)David Ryans

Only three of the twenty-four current popular models of whole school reform show a strong connection to student achievement. Which of the following would not have a strong research base?
A)Direct Instruction
B)Coalition of Essential Schools
C)High Schools that Work
D)Success for All

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