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Web Links
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Instructional Methods Information
This page lists advantages, disadvantages, and preparation for various instructional methods, including direct instruction, cooperative learning, lecture, guest speakers, role playing, and more.
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Principles of Teaching
This site includes suggestions for using questioning in the classroom, as well as links to other topics including mastery learning and whole-class instruction.
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QUILT Wait-time Test
AEL - a member of the National Education Knowledge Industry Association (NEKIA) - offers information on the benefits of increasing wait-time in the classroom. This page also lists suggestions to teachers for becoming more aware of wait-time as a means of effective questioning in the classroom.
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What is Differentiating Instruction?
This is an excellent web-based resource constructed by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. The site offers text, audio, and video files to help readers understand differentiated instruction, as well as links to recent research on the topic.
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Critical Thinking Consortium
The Consortium's goal is to articulate, preserve, and foster intellectual standards in critical thinking research, scholarship, and instruction. The site has links to research, National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (NCECT) standards, upcoming events, and professional development.
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OrnsteinOnline Learning Center

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