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Reconnecting Students and Schools
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This chapter highlights research findings that describe how increased television viewing corresponds to heightened levels of substance abuse by young people. For example, students who watch heavy amounts of television are more at risk for alcohol abuse and/or drug abuse.

Some young people have lots of time on their hands. Others are working at jobs for well over twenty hours per week and missing much of the necessary socialization that goes with growing up because they are "at work."

Assume that you are at a high school where the students seem disengaged. They are often tardy or absent and there are lots of missed classes and assignments. Some teachers and administrators are blaming these circumstances on the fact that students are distracted by personal investments of time in television and computers. Others suggest that the problem is related to all the extra-curricular activities in which many students are involved, including demanding after-school work schedules.


You are asked to identify one way of reconnecting the students with the school. What one idea would you suggest and what is the rationale behind the idea? What theoretical body of knowledge grounds the idea?

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