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Web Links
(See related pages)

Microsoft's Education Page
This site offers resources for teachers, students and parents, and administrators, with links to tutorials, lesson plans, templates, and more.
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HyperStudio Tutorial
This site covers most of the basics for creating effective hyperlinked presentations. The Table of Contents allows you to skip the parts of the program with which you already feel comfortable.
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Teach with Movies
This site's creators categorize films according to categories such as "Principles of Science," "Major Events of History," and "Character Development Issues." Learning guides accompanying each film describe such things as benefits of the movie, possible problems, building vocabulary, and links to the Internet.
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American Psychological Association & Media's Effect on Children
This February 2003 article by Rebecca A. Clay considers how electronic technologies influence child development. The positive and negative effects of television are presented.
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International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

ISTE is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to advancing the effective use of technology in K–12 education and teacher education. This site includes links to educational resources, professional development opportunities, and publications and research.

Special Note
The technology requirements for students, teachers, and administrators are changing rapidly. The International Society for Technology in Education's website provides an outline regarding the technology skills that students, teachers, and administrators need to possess ( The chart shows how states are using NETS. Where does your state stand?
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