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  1. Basic guidelines related to using instructional technology include a) selecting equipment suitable to objectives, b) learning how to operate the equipment, and c) previewing the materials.
  2. Visual images increase effectiveness of presentation of materials. Visual images can be incorporated into a presentation through the use of chalkboards, dry-erase boards, and display boards; films; and overhead projectors or PowerPoint software.
  3. Two types of television programming for use in schools are educational television (informative programs produced by commercial and public television stations) and instructional television (programs produced by educators for specific teaching purposes).
  4. Teachers and students can participate in these levels of computer use: computer literacy, computer competency, and computer expertise. All students should be at least computer literate. Examine the National Educational Technology Standards Project (NETS) profiles in Table 7.2.
  5. All teachers should find ways to help students explore disciplinary concepts through Internet access. That access can be fostered in many different informal and formal ways.
  6. The quality and variety of computer software have improved in recent years. The most challenging and interesting uses of computer-based instruction are in the growing number of simulations and interactive systems.
  7. Telecommunication systems include teleconferences, electronic mail, and telecourses.

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