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Multiple Choice
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Which of the following is a benefit associated with the overhead projector?
A)Overhead projectors are relatively inexpensive.
B)Overhead transparencies can be made relatively quickly in most copy machines.
C)Overhead projectors offer teachers the option of writing on transparencies during the class activity.
D)all of the above

Educational television refers to
A)programs produced by large school districts or colleges to teach specific subject-matter in school.
B)programs produced for broadcast on commercial or public television stations that are intended to inform and develop understanding.
C)HyperStudio and PowerPoint.
D)all of the above

As a result of ______________, passed by Congress in 1994, schools across our nation are spending billions of federal dollars in an attempt to meet the national priority of universal access to technology for teaching and learning.
A)Goals 2000: Educating America
D)none of the above

Which of the following levels of computer knowledge refers to general knowledge of what computers are used for and some general experience in using them?
A)computer entrepreneurship
B)computer expertise
C)computer competency
D)computer literacy

Which of the following is a finding from the Consortium on Chicago School Research?
A)Teachers should rely primarily on didactic approaches when teaching content.
B)Teachers should rely primarily on interactive approaches when teaching content.
C)Teachers should use a combination of approaches, with higher levels of didactic instruction.
D)Teachers should use a combination of approaches, with higher levels of interactive instruction.

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