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Matching Quiz
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Match the correct answers below.

Neil Postman

Lev Vygotsky

Thomas L. Good and Jere Brophy

Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon

Donelle Blubaugh

Laurence Steinberg
A)cite(s) research that connects educational programming with the school-readiness of young children
B)explain(s) the process of scaffolding with an exploration of how teachers teach problem solving effectively to children
C)in a classic text on problem solving, theorized that computer simulations have the potential to foster learning of information, concepts, inferences, insight, and skills
D)educational author(s)/critic(s) who view(s) television and other mass media as the
E)learning theorist who asserted that audio and visual stimuli may produce what he termed
F)researcher(s) who describe(s), through international comparisons, the impact of culture on student learning

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