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Visit the following NATO sites to take a look at what steps NATO is taking in regards to the War on Terrorism

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in April of 1949. Its primary function was to create a unified coalition committed to the defense of its members. Over the years, NATO has seen a transformation in its purpose. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the threat of a communist invasion gone, NATO focused on keeping stability in its respective regions. The war in the Balkans, NATO's first test in this new role, was also its first military campaign. The swift victory proved NATO could still be an effective force in the postcommunist era. However, with the events of September 11th, 2001, NATO will have to reexamine its position. The main question will be how NATO contributes to the war on terrorism. Is it within NATO's charter and philosophy to take an active role? Should it maintain strictly an advisory role?

Examine NATO's approach to the scourge of terrorism by visiting the sites listed above, then respond to the following questions in the space provided.


In reference to the Washington Treaty, what does Article 5 entail? Explain the significance of NATO’s decision to quickly invoke Article 5 in the hours following the September 11th attacks?

One of NATO’s functions is to build trust and partnerships with nonmember countries. Explain how this has helped the United States and its allies in the War on Terrorism.

Should NATO be involved militarily in the War on Terrorism? Explain why or why not.

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