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The United Nations and International Security
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The fundamental idea of international security is contained in the UN Charter. Article 1 commits all members "to maintain international peace and security, and to that end, to take effective measures" to preserve or restore the peace. Article 24 gives to the Security Council the "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security," and by Article 25 members "agree to accept and carry out the decisions" of the council. Article 42 gives the Security Council the authority to "take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security." Key language in Article 43 requires members to "undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call … armed forces … necessary for the purposes" of peace maintenance. If you think about the implications of this language, clauses to which virtually all countries are bound legally, it is very powerful. The UN Security Council is given many powers under the terms of the UN Charter, and has been responsible for 49 peacekeeping operations in the first 50 years of the United Nations.

The role of the United Nations and its Security Council in maintaining international security has been a source of many political debates around the world. Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about the UN and international security, and then compare your answers to those of other students using this book. Mark in the appropriate box whether you Agree (True) or Disagree (False) with each of the ten statements below. Don't think too much about your answer. Your initial reaction is what is important. When you are finished, submit your answers. You will then be able to see the results of your survey.


Generally speaking, the United Nations Security Council has been a source of peace in the last fifty years.

Armed forces from your country should not be required to serve under the command of a UN Commanding Officer from another country.

The UN should establish a permanent international peacekeeping force ready to deal with armed conflicts around the world.

The UN should restrict itself only to peacekeeping operations; it should not act as a peacemaking force that actively engages in military combat when necessary.

UN member-states that are currently in arrears with regards to their financial contributions to the UN peacekeeping budget should be threatened with the imposition of international sanctions.

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