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International Security: The Alternative Road
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Which approach to security is based on the realist assumption that countries are inherently greedy and collectively violent?
B)limited self-defense
C)international security
D)unlimited self-defense

The [most] common approach to arms control is to limit
A)above ground nuclear arms testing.
B)the number of nuclear weapons stockpiled.
C)the flow of nuclear weapons across geographic boundaries.
D)certain types of nuclear weapons from being produced.

The first multilateral arms control talks in Europe were a result of the
A)Geneva Convention.
B)Rush-Bagot Treaty.
C)Hague Conferences.
D)Warsaw Pact.

All of the following are criticisms of START III [except]
A)there is no set timetable for nuclear arms reductions.
B)there is too much emphasis placed on limiting delivery vehicles.
C)either country can withdraw from the treaty with 90-days notice.
D)there is no guaranteed renewal upon treaty expiration.

Some countries resisted the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) renewal in 1995 on the grounds that
A)UN on-site inspections threatened state sovereignty.
B)Nuclear-capable countries had not set time limits for dismantling their nuclear arsenals.
C)The NPT did not include language to address limiting biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction.
D)The NPT excluded the United States and Russia from having to comply since they had reached a separate agreement under START II.

President Bush has opposed ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty on the ground that
A)Russia remains a viable threat owing to its established nuclear arsenal.
B)the war on terrorism may necessitate the use of nuclear weapons.
C)some testing may be necessary to ensure the reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons.
D)ratification may unduly give more power and authority to terrorist states to use nuclear weapons.

Why did the United States refuse to sign the Anti-Personnel Mine Treaty (APM)?
A)The United States underestimated the potentially damaging effects of land mines on civilians.
B)The United States believed that land mines were still necessary along the border between North and South Korea.
C)The United States believed that land mines could be effectively removed through humanitarian organizations without a mandated treaty.
D)The United States felt that other treaties, such as SALT I and START I, more specifically addressed the issue of land mines than did the APM.

Owing to increased globalism over the past 50 years, countries have spent almost twice as much money on UN peacekeeping operations as they have on their national military budgets.

Under the terms of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to reduce the number of nuclear arms that each country possessed.

The United States has rejected the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty on the grounds that it will be prohibited from developing an antiballistic missile defense system.

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