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International Security: The Alternative Road
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Arms Control Treaties
The author discusses arms control treaties in this chapter of your textbook. In Table 13.2, the author lists major arms control treaties and their provisions since 1925. This site at Tufts University provides the entire text for all of these arms control treaties. When you get to Tufts University home page, search for "warfare" then click on the first link for the information on treaties.
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United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Map
Several peacekeeping maps are available at this site. Select a type of peacekeeping effort from the drop down menu to reach a map that has information about peacekeeping in that particular region of the world.
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United Nations: Peace and Security Issues
This is the section of the U.N.'s Web site that is devoted to its peacekeeping and conflict resolution efforts, which are discussed in this chapter of your textbook.
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WWW Virtual Library: Peace, Conflict Resolution, and International Security
This site provides an extensive series of links to Web sites devoted to peace and international conflict resolution, including the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the United States Institute of Peace.
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