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Internet Exercises
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Exercise 1: Learning about Virtual Organizations

The Internet has dramatically changed the nature of business. A scholarly organization called VoNet is devoted to the study of "virtual organizations" including Virtual Teams, Network Organization, and Electronic Commerce. The organization publishes a journal called The Journal of Organizational Virtualness. Visit the journal's website (, and browse the articles published in the journal (click "Journal" on the left hand menu). Be prepared to discuss one of the articles with your classmates.

Exercise 2: Work-Family Conflict

Organizational communications scholars argue that our work lives are increasingly colonizing our personal lives. That is, we spend more and more time working and less time engaging in meaningful personal activities. Dr. Caryn Medved of Ohio University has created a website devoted to the topic of work-life issues. Visit Dr. Medved's website ( and review resources found on the site. Be prepared to discuss at least one issue addressed on the site with your classmates.

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