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Internet Exercises
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Exercise 1: Quotation for your Topic

To test your detective skills use to find this quotation by baseball fan, syndicated columnist, and TV pundit George Will: "Football features two of the worst aspects of American Life, violence and committee meetings." Can you use your detective skills to find an apt quotation for your own topic?

Exercise 2: Narrowing a Topic

Narrowing a topic is an important step in speech preparation because you will be able to better know and understand a smaller universe of information.

To demonstrate to yourself how much information you have to know with a very broad compared to a very narrow topic, use a search engine of your choice (e.g., and see how many sources appear as you move from Cancer to Breast Cancer to lumpectomy. Now go to where you will find free, full-text articles on medical issues to see if you can narrow the topic even further.

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