Exercise 1: Quotation for your Topic To test your detective skills use www.yahoo.com
to find this quotation by baseball fan, syndicated columnist, and TV pundit
George Will: "Football features two of the worst aspects of American Life,
violence and committee meetings." Can you use your detective skills to
find an apt quotation for your own topic? Exercise 2: Narrowing a Topic Narrowing a topic is an important step in speech preparation because you will
be able to better know and understand a smaller universe of information. To demonstrate to yourself how much information you have to know with a very
broad compared to a very narrow topic, use a search engine of your choice (e.g.,
www.northernlight.com) and see how
many sources appear as you move from Cancer to Breast Cancer to
lumpectomy. Now go to www.jama.ama-assn.org
where you will find free, full-text articles on medical issues to see if you
can narrow the topic even further. |