The Federal Bureau of Investigation [] issues an annual study called "Uniform Crime Reports: Crime in the United States" []. With computer-assisted reporting techniques, you can analyze crime data and see how your college or university compares with other schools. To do that, you must calculate crime rates the number of crimes per 1,000 students. In Chapter 3 of NRW Plus, you will find a demonstration called "Campus Larceny." That demonstration explains how to download an Excel spreadsheet of college crime data from the FBI. The data will look like this:  (75.0K)
If we want to compare the schools' property crime rates, we must create a new column that shows the number of property crimes per 1,000 students. We create that formula for the first school:  (58.0K)
Then we copy that formula down the column to all the other schools:  (114.0K)
Then we can sort the schools to see which had the highest property crime rates. You also may want to filter the schools to compare only schools with 10,000 or more students,
for example. In that case, the results would look like this:  (178.0K)
Without much trouble, you could do a similar comparison of all colleges and universities in your state. |