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Mean average item. The story spoke of the "average scores" of high school graduates in the scholastic aptitude test, but the table with the story referred to the "mean scores" (Dec. 16) Which was it? The "average" is the sum divided by the number of components (i.e. students), while the "mean" is a figure midway between the highest and the lowest scores.
At the extreme, militants charge that efforts to persuade black women to use contraceptives or to have abortions are really aimed at achieving black genocide. A recent report by black researcher Dr. William A. Darity of Amherst, Mass., suggests that these sentiments have large support in the black community. In one New England city, Dr. Darity found that 88 percent of the black males under 30 were opposed to abortion. Almost half of them felt that encouragement of the use of birth control methods "is comparable to trying to eliminate (blacks) from society.
At the extreme, militants charge that efforts to persuade black women to use contraceptives or to have abortions are really aimed at achieving black genocide.
A recent report by black researcher Dr. William A. Darity of Amherst, Mass., suggests that these sentiments have large support in the black community. In one New England city, Dr. Darity found that 88 percent of the black males under 30 were opposed to abortion. Almost half of them felt that encouragement of the use of birth control methods "is comparable to trying to eliminate (blacks) from society.
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