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These sentences were taken from newspapers and broadcast news accounts. Indicate the problems.

  1. In a random poll of a dozen patrons in the Belmont Park grandstand, horseplayers said the most moving moment in their race-going was the death of the gallant filly Ruffian.

  2. Although polls show Noonan with a 24-point lead over Vercini, no poll of only 1,500 people can represent the country's voters.

  3. An informal and random poll at the convention showed that the party's anti-abortion stand was hurting it among younger women.

  4. The News poll showed that if the election were held today, Trevor would win. With 615 persons polled, Trevor had 314 votes, Peterson 301—a 51-49 percent lead for Trevor.

New York is the country's murder capital, with three murders a day.

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