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Handout from the Freeport Parks and Recreation Department:

There's a new joy ride for local kiddies coming soon.

The city parks and recreation department announced today that it has purchased a series of "educational rides" for children to use for a total of $11,000 for placement in three city parks. Among them is the Hanging Gate, which is an iron pole embedded in the ground with a gate hanging from it. The children push themselves in a circle.

Another is the Super Slide for tiny toddlers, which lets preschoolers have the thrill of a slide without the fear of climbing way up.

The money was made available six weeks ago by Robert T. F. Ho, a local merchant who owned the Quick Stop Laundry, 39 Millbank Rd., and whose gift was until today anonymous. Since his death two days ago, the department decided to reveal his beneficence. His widow approved. Mrs. Ho said, "Robert always enjoyed watching the kids play in the park across the street. He felt sorry for the kids who had to wait to use the equipment, especially the little ones."

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