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Freeport Source List
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Freeport City Officials
Airport manager Marshall Peat
Budget director Albert Heffner
Building inspector, chief Barry Tobin
City clerk Vivian Begley
City Council members Albert Fuentes
Bernard Garner
Fred E. Smith
Martin Davis
Marcia Gold
City engineer O.M. Shelton
City forester John T. Voboril
City manager Harold Born
City treasurer Daniel Cahan
Computer and data communications services agency Sterling Abromovitch
County manager David Hunscher
Fire chief Mervin Dantzic
Health Department director Jane Jacobson
Health and Hospital Corp. director Mildred Pearl
Housing Authority director Charles Ramsgate
Human Rights Commission director Stanley Downey
Human Rights Commission member Judith Cramer
Land use board director Matthew B. Robert
Latino affairs director Marlene Figuera
Mayor Sam Parnass
Deputy Mayor Stanley Brezen
Parks Department director Thomas Chamberlain
Planning board chairman Philip Nicholson
Planning board secretary Betty Forde
Police chief Lloyd Earl
Press Secretary to the Mayor Leon Roper
Public Works Dept. director Robin Lentz
Deputy director Ralph Norton
Sanitation commissioner William Applegate
Social Services director Cory Cohen
Voluntary Action Center director Martha Zimmerman
Water Dept. superintendent L. P. Potts
Welfare director George Q. Banks
Zoning and Planning Board member Harry Kempe
Zoo director Cyrus Tucek
Zoo asst. director Bayard Parker
Freeport Court Officials
Clerk of Court Abner Hastings
Civil Court judge John Kramer
City Court administrative officer William Halpern
District attorney Paul Robinson
Chief asst. D.A. Robert Morgan
Asst. D.A. Joseph C. Woodcock Jr.
District court administrative judge Ross David
District judge Mary Farrell
District judge Marvin Hurley
District judge Samuel A. McMillan
District judge Aloysius J. Melia
District judge Harvey Smith
Freeport School Officials
Board of education chairman Rodney Addison
Board of education president Charles Thorne
Board of education members Albert Swimmer
Helen Epstein
Jean Silver
Salvatore Vincent
Edwin Minteer
John T. Voboril
Superintendent Herbert Gilkeyson
English coordinator, high schools F. W. Stern
Dwight D. Eisenhower H.S. principal Bernard A. Meyers
Horace Mann H.S. principal Richard Battle
Horace Mann asst. principal Daniel Fox
Atherton school board chairman Forrest L. Abele
Mallory College
Adviser, student paper Robert Figuera
Afro-American Studies dept. chair James Gregory
Arts & Sciences dean Hobart Bayward Podhoretz
Basketball coach George Gonzales
Committee on Academic Standing, member Walter Smith
Dean of Students William Sharman
Associate dean Claudine Godfrey
Education dept. chair Alfred Steinberg
English dept. chair Samuel Ward
Journalism dean Herbert Blitzer
Library science dean Donald L. Richards
Physics professor Albert Sherman
President Ruth Pitts Renaldi
Provost Thomas Palmer
Psychology dept. chair. Nicholas Trowbridge
Sociology dept. chair. Margot Adler
Track coach Steve Helmer
Trustee Karl Quire
St. Mary's College
English assoc. professor Frederick L. Lynn
Financial aid director C. L. Braverman
Political Science professor Vincent Bivins
President N. Francis Simms
Provost Stanley Stiga
Trustee Dorothy M. Seaver
Civic and Service Groups
American Civil Liberties Union local chapter president Sara F. Glasser
Elks (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks or Peter Hay
B.P.O.E.) Secretary
Freeport Chamber of Commerce
President Clifford Guzman
Secretary Fred Graham
Public relations director Thomas Everingham
Freeport Civic Society president Lawrence Berry
Good Citizens League head Alvin Diamond
Jewish Community Council director Arthur Hoch
Kiwanis Club manager John F. Berlin
League of Women Voters local chairwoman Mildred Cahan
Hospital Officials
Community Hospital
Director Vincent Seaver
Medical services director Stanley Downey
Medical staff director Alfred Arnold
Public information director Beverly Collins
Fairlawn Hospital
Alcohol control center head Charles Felson
Director Milton Williams
Medical resources director Dianne Kilafar
State Officials
Attorney General Alfred Steinberg
Deputy Attorney General Michael Canzian
State assemblyman Peter Pietro
Commissioner of Aeronautics William Sullivan
Comptroller Thomas Wolfe
Public Utilities Commission chairman Michael McKirdy
Press officer Jack Nagel
State senator Joseph Margeretta
Governor Janet Kocieniewski
Lieut. Governor Harry Lee Waterfield
Ombudsman for state prisoners Bruce Stroh
Federal Officials
U.S. Attorney Stephen C. Jenkins
Asst. U.S. Attorney Herbert N. Kaplan
Congressman William Trenzier
Senators Janice Cooper
James Dufur
Business Executives
Baldwin Protection Systems president Felix Farrington
Exton Electric president Alexander Sanchez
National Security Bank, Freeport branch, president Elizabeth Bennett
People's Bus Lice, Inc., owner George W. Hulbert
Union Officials
City Trade Union Federal director Daniel Chavez
Hotel and Restaurant Workers union head, state Bert Gentle
Nat'l Federation of Teachers, local head Helen Carruthers

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