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Campus Projects
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A. Diet

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Allan Dietrich, The Blade

     Interview students who live off-campus about their eating habits. Try to have them recall their meals for the last two or three days. Set these findings against your background information and what the campus dietitian or a local nutritionist says is a healthy diet.
     If you want to take this a step further, differentiate among students who eat at home, those who live in a cooperative arrangement and those who are on their own. Are there significant differences in their diets? Do eating habits differ between men and women?


B. Husbands Now?

     Caitlin Flanagan writes in The Atlantic Monthly that career women are at a disadvantage in the "marriage market" because they "no longer find husbands in college, where the pool of available, like-minded men is large, but rather start looking for a permanent mate about ten years after graduation, when there is no formal "courtship system" in place, no pump room or fraternity formal or Dolly Levi to nudge an appropriate match along."
     Interview women on campus about their career/marriage plans.

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