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Recruit   Make an inventory of your college or university's recruiting efforts. Examine its efforts to recruit bright high school students, athletes, students with special abilities (musicians, artists, actors) and faculty members.   Scholars: Is anyone in the admissions office assigned to reach out to bright students? How? Is there a special fund for such recruiting? What inducements are offered these students: scholarships, special placement, jobs? How does the school describe the kind of student it is looking for? Is there alumni participation in this area of recruiting? Do any particular high schools have a reputation for graduating bright students?   Interview administrators, students, faculty members and high school college placement officers. Dig for particulars, examples, specifics.   Athletes: What kind of recruiting is done for intercollegiate athletics? Do coaches make trips to high schools? What is the budget for this? What sports are emphasized in recruiting athletes? What inducements are offered these athletes: special classes for remedial work, special eating facilities, athletic dormitory, scholarships? Describe these in detail.   What is the contribution of alumni and booster clubs in financial assistance and recruiting? How is this formalized? Do local merchants contribute? Has the school been involved in any problems with the NCAA? Explain.   In both areas, make sure to interview those involved: students who have been recruited, administrators, faculty members, people in the community. |