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Test-Taking Part 2
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This OLC selection is the second of three that pertain to test taking. They are excerpted from Peak Performance by Sharon Ferrett. Although they are about test taking, they are different from the selection in Appendix 2 in the text. This selection focuses on specific strategies for handling objective test questions and essay test questions effectively.


The following tips will help you as you take different types of tests. The essay test terms are words every student needs to know. You can make vocabulary cards for all of them or for any term you are unsure of.

Objective Tests

True/False Test

  1. Listen and read carefully.Read the entire question carefully before you answer it. For the question to be true, the entire question must be true. If any part of the statement is false, the entire statement is false.
  2. Pay attention to details. Read dates, names, and places carefully. Sometimes the dates are changed around (1494 instead of 1449) or the wording is changed slightly. Any changes like these can change the meaning.
  3. Watch for qualifiers. Watch for such words as always, all, never, and every. The question is often false because there are almost always exceptions. If you can think of one exception, then the statement is false. Ask yourself: Does this statement overstate or understate what I know to be true?
  4. Watch for faulty cause and effect. Two true statements may be connected by a word that implies cause and effect, and this word may make the statement false. For example, "Temperature is measured on the centigrade scale because water freezes at zero degrees centigrade."
  5. Always answer every question. Unless there is a penalty for wrong answers, answer every question. You have a 50-percent chance of being tight.
  6. Trust your instincts. Often your first impression is correct. Don't change an answer unless you are certain it is wrong. Don't spend time pondering until you have finished the entire test and have time to spare.

Multiple-Choice Tests

  1. Read the question carefully. Are you being asked for the correct answer or the best choice? Is there more than one answer? Preview the test to see if -an answer may be included in a statement or question.
  2. Rephrase the question. Sometimes it helps to rephrase the question in your own words. You may also want to answer the question yourself before looking at the possible answers.
  3. Eliminate choices. Narrow your choices by reading through all of them and eliminating those that you know are incorrect.
  4. Go from easy to difficult. Go through the test and complete those questions for which you know the answers. This will give you a feeling of confidence. Don't use all your time on a few questions.
  5. Watch for combinations. Read the question carefully and don't just choose what appears to be the one correct answer. Some questions offer a combination of choices such as, "All of the above" or "None of the above."
  6. Look at sentence structure.Make sure the grammatical structure of the question matches that of your choice.

Essay Tests

Being prepared is essential when taking an essay test. Make certain that you understand concepts and relationships and not just specific facts. (See Peak Progress 7.2 on page 7-10 for a sample essay test.) In addition, use the following strategies to help you take an essay test.

  1. Organize. Organizing your notes and reading material will help you outline important topics.
  2. Outline. An outline will provide a framework to help you remember dates, main points, names, places, and supporting material.
  3. Budget your writing time. Look over the whole test, noticing which questions are easiest. Allot a certain amount of time for each essay question and include time for review when you're finished.
  4. Read the question carefully. Make certain you understand what is being asked in the question. Respond to keywords such as explain, classify, define, and compare. Rephrase the question into a main thesis. Always answer what is being asked directly. Don't skirt around an issue.
  5. The following words are used frequently in essay questions. Read them and become comfortable with their meanings. If you are being asked to compare and contrast, you do not want to describe, or you will not answer the question correctly.

    Compare    Look for characteristics that are similar.
    Contrast     Look for differences between objects, events, or problems.
    Define        Give concise, clear meanings and definitions.
    Describe     Relate in a story form or sequence.
    Discuss      Give a complete discussion, including pros and cons, and give reasons as you examine the problem.
    Evaluate     Carefully appraise the problem, citing authorities.
    Explain       Clarify, analyze, and give examples of the problem.
    Illustrate    Draw a picture or diagram to explain or clarify the problem.
    Interpret    Comment on a problem or translate, giving examples and your opinion or judgment about a problem or situation.
    Justify        Convince or give reasons for conclusions or decisions.
    List             Enumerate or write a list of points, one by one.
    Outline       Organize main points and subordinate supporting points in a logical arrangement.
    Prove         Give factual evidence and logical reasons that something is true.

  6. Organize the material. Organize your main points in an outline so that you won't leave out important information.
  7. Write concisely and correctly.Get directly to the point and use short, clear sentences. Remember that your instructor may be grading a pile of other students' tests, so get to the point and avoid using filler sentences.
  8. Write neatly. Appearance and legibility are important. Use an erasable pen. Use wide margins and don't crowd your words. Write on one side of the paper only. Leave space between answers so you can add to an answer if time permits.
  9. Focus on main points. Your opening sentence should state your thesis, followed by supporting information.
  10. Answer completely. Make certain that the question is answered completely, with supporting documentation. Cover the main points thoroughly and logically.
  11. Use all the available time. Don't hurry. Pace yourself and always use all the available time for review, revisions, reflection, additions, and corrections. Proofread carefully. Answer all questions unless otherwise directed.

Source: Sharon Ferrett, Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond, 4th ed., p. 7-7 though 7-9, 7-11 through 7-13. Copyright © 2005, McGraw-Hill/Glencoe. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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