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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Management and Organisational Behaviour

Wendy Bloisi, London Metropolitan University
Curtis W. Cook
Phillip L. Hunsaker

ISBN: 0077099451
Copyright year: 2003

Feature Summary

European examples:
In order to enhance student awareness of how issues relate to the real world this text is illustrated with a wide variety of European, UK and global examples from different sectors of industry and from small to large enterprises. A new Research Focus feature highlights major research in the various topic areas, demonstrates how theories have developed and assesses impact on current organisational and management thinking.

Strong pedagogy and interactivity:
Each chapter incorporates a repertoire of interactive features and pedagogical aids aimed at encouraging students to bridge an understanding of concepts and theories with skill-building capabilities and applications. Research Focus boxes provide an overview of how the theories were formulated. Students are also given an opportunity to evaluate their own thoughts and ideas through Your Turn exercises. Other pedagogical features include vignettes, key terms, areas for personal development and exercises.

OB in action:
Four key theme boxes emphasise the themes - diversity, ethics, technology and global perspectives - and enable students to grapple with real-world key issues facing managers and organisations. Opening case studies in each chapter and Second Look features at the end of chapters offer a closure that typically extends the company experience to more complex levels and applies some of the tools of analysis to increase learning from the example.

Taking a functional approach:
This text promotes an understanding of how organisations function and why they do the things they do within applied contexts that are highly visual and interesting to read.

Balance of theory and practice:
The text walks the reader through the subject areas and makes links to experiences students may face. Theoretical perspectives are clearly signposted in the new Research Focus feature, and current issues are dealt with in a way that shows present theory as a dynamic tool.

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