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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Management and Organisational Behaviour

Wendy Bloisi, London Metropolitan University
Curtis W. Cook
Phillip L. Hunsaker

ISBN: 0077099451
Copyright year: 2003

Table of Contents

Part 1: What Managers and Organisations Do

1. Introduction to Management and Organisational Behaviour
2. Managers and Organisations
3. Organisational Strategy, Planning and Continuous Improvement

Part 2: The Individual: Managing People

4. Understanding Perception, Learning and Personality
5. Motivation Principles at Work
6. Motivation Methods and Applications
7. Self-Management at Work: Managing Careers and Stress

Part 3: Groups and Teams: Managing Behaviour Between People

8. Communicating for Understanding and Results
9. Creating Productive Interpersonal Relationships
10. Building Groups into Teams
11. Conflict Management and Negotiation

Part 4: The Role of the Manager: Leadership Practices

12. Ethical Problem Solving and Decision Making
13. Power and Politics
14. Leadership

Part 5: Developing the Organisation

15. Organisational Structure and Design
16. Creating and Changing Organisational Culture
17. Organisational Change, Development and Innovation

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