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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Management and Organisational Behaviour

Wendy Bloisi, London Metropolitan University
Curtis W. Cook
Phillip L. Hunsaker

ISBN: 0077099451
Copyright year: 2003

Reviewer Comments

"I like the UK orientation of this book and the range of exercises. The book is well written and is likely to have appeal to young undergraduates taking degrees in business studies or management. It is well structured, clear and concise, with sufficient detail provided to enable the reader to acquire a thorough knowledge of key concepts. The examples and exercises would succeed in engaging the student to become an active participant in their own learning and development."
Marie McHugh – University of Ulster

"The four key themes are very timely, provide very useful examples from different types of organisations and parts of the world, and cover a range of contemporary topics and key issues. The vignettes are well placed within the chapters and help set the scene for the reader. The much-needed regular emphasis on technology and organisations is well covered by ‘technology transformation’. So are the growing important topics of both diversity and ethics in present day organisations. The above-discussed features are probably the best I have seen in any text I have come across so far."
Pawan Budhwar – Cardiff University

"This use of four themes is a major strength and differentiation of the book. They are well chosen reflecting very much the concerns, trends and focus on these areas. The writing style is one that is easy to understand. A balance has been well struck between an idiomatic and academic style. Even so the feel of the academic style is also relaxed and confident … this gives an element of dynamism and life in the text."
Guy Faulkner – University of Westminster

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