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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Jill believes she received a ‘C’ on her Biology test because the test was difficult. Jill is
A)making a situational attribution.
B)making a personal attribution.
C)committing the fundamental attribution error.
D)exhibiting self-serving bias.
One dark winter morning, Paul's neighbour was backing out of his driveway when he knocked over Paul's wheelie-bin. Paul immediately concludes that the neighbour knocked over the wheelie-bin because he dislikes him. Paul is
A)making a situational attribution.
B)committing the fundamental attribution error.
C)exhibiting self-serving bias.
D)making an external attribution.
One's tendency to make situational attributions for failures and personal attributions for successes is called
A)mental set.
B)the fundamental attribution error.
C)the internal attribution error.
D)self-serving bias.
One's tendency to place the most importance on 'first impressions' or initial information that is learned about a person, is called the ________ effect.
Based on the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy, if teachers expect their students to misbehave and have low performance, then
A)their students will probably rebel.
B)their students are likely do the opposite.
C)some will misbehave and have low performance and some will behave and have high performance.
D)their students will probably misbehave and have low performance.
Higgins distinguished between the actual self, the ideal self and the ought self. This theory is known as
A)the regulatory focus theory.
B)the self-discrepancy theory.
C)social identity theory.
D)social exchange theory.
When presented with information, if you are most influenced by the message and the argument being presented, then
A)the peripheral route of persuasion has occurred.
B)the central route of persuasion has occurred.
C)social penetration has occurred.
D)social facilitation has occurred.
Martin is a father, a university student, a son, a grandson, a friend and a husband. For each of these _____, Martin has a different set of norms that dictate how he is to behave.
A)social norms
B)social attitudes
C)social roles
D)cultural roles
Expectations about how individuals should think, feel, and behave are known as
A)cultural roles.
B)social roles.
C)normative social influence.
D)social norms.
In Solomon Asch's study, he found that conformity was influenced by
A)group size and the presence or absence of a dissenter.
B)group size and gender.
C)the age of the group members.
D)age and gender.
Stanley Milgram conducted a study to determine whether ordinary people would
A)harm someone if they got angry enough.
B)ask a stranger out on a date because they were told to obey an authority figure.
C)harm someone because they were told to obey an authority figure.
D)help a stranger because they were told to obey an authority figure.
A charitable organisation contacts you by telephone and asks you to donate £250 to their cause. When you refuse, they ask you to donate £25 to their organisation. This is an example of
A)the foot-in-the-door technique.
B)the door-in-the-face technique.
C)the central route of persuasion.
__________ occurs when an individual reduces his or her output when working in a group.
A)Social loafing
B)Social facilitation
C)Group polarisation
The term __________ refers to negative attitudes based on group membership whereas _______ refers to overt unfair treatment towards members of a specific group.
A)stereotyping; discrimination
B)discrimination; prejudice
C)stereotyping; prejudice
D)prejudice; discrimination
__________ proposes that love consists of three major components: passion, intimacy and commitment.
A)Social exchange theory
B)Sexual strategies theory
C)Triangular theory of love
D)Mere exposure effect

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