A) | managing taxing circumstances; trying to solve life’s problems; seeking to master or reduce stress
B) | drugs that increase the activity of the central nervous system
C) | emphasizes that biological, psychological, and social factors interact to produce the problems that individuals develop
D) | psychiatric category for three or more co-occurring behaviors over a six-month period before the age of 15
E) | used to describe sudden events or stimuli
F) | drugs that modify a person’s perceptual experiences
G) | drugs that slow down the central nervous system
H) | eating disorder that involves a binge-and-purge eating pattern
I) | focuses on describing and exploring the developmental pathways of problems
J) | used to describe long-lasting stressors
K) | negative consequences that result from contact between two distinctive cultural groups
L) | drugs derived from testosterone that promote muscle growth
M) | eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation
N) | the response to circumstances and events that threaten individuals and tax their coping abilities