1 |  |  Scientists who think adolescent problems are primarily due to distorted thoughts, emotional turmoil, inappropriate learning, and troubled relationships are stressing _____ factors. |
|  | A) | biological |
|  | B) | psychological |
|  | C) | social |
|  | D) | anthropological |
2 |  |  A researcher studies the problems that develop through the interaction of social, psychological and biological processes. They are taking a _____ approach. |
|  | A) | biological |
|  | B) | psychological |
|  | C) | social |
|  | D) | biopshcyosocial |
3 |  |  An approach that emphasizes connections across domains over time to influence pathways and outcomes is |
|  | A) | developmental cascades. |
|  | B) | internalizing problems. |
|  | C) | externalizing problems. |
|  | D) | developmental psychopathology approach. |
4 |  |  Raul is getting into a lot of fights at school and showing an increase in truancy. This would indicate an increase in |
|  | A) | developmental cascades. |
|  | B) | internalizing problems. |
|  | C) | externalizing problems. |
|  | D) | developmental psychopathology approach. |
5 |  |  What do anxiety and depression have in common? |
|  | A) | They occur much more often in adolescent boys than girls. |
|  | B) | They are very rare in adolescents. |
|  | C) | They are internalizing problems. |
|  | D) | They are externalizing problems. |
6 |  |  Which of the following behaviors decrease(s) during emerging adulthood? |
|  | A) | well-being |
|  | B) | theft and property damage |
|  | C) | alcohol use |
|  | D) | sex with multiple partners |
7 |  |  Predictors of adolescent problems are referred to as |
|  | A) | risk factors. |
|  | B) | SES indicators. |
|  | C) | pathogens. |
|  | D) | psychogens. |
8 |  |  Peter Benson has prescribed 40 developmental assets that adolescents need in order to achieve positive outcomes in their lives. Of the following, which is one he describes as an external asset? |
|  | A) | boundaries and expectations |
|  | B) | commitment to learning |
|  | C) | positive values |
|  | D) | social competencies |
9 |  |  Females are more likely than males to respond to stress with |
|  | A) | tend and befriend. |
|  | B) | cry and sigh. |
|  | C) | fight or flight. |
|  | D) | shove or love. |
10 |  |  What condition did Bruce Compas call "the single most important social problem facing young people in the United States"? |
|  | A) | Discrimination |
|  | B) | Lack of health care |
|  | C) | Poverty |
|  | D) | Stress |
11 |  |  According to Richard Lazarus, over the long term, which form of coping works best for dealing with stress? |
|  | A) | emotion-focused |
|  | B) | problem-focused |
|  | C) | cognitive-focused |
|  | D) | acculturation-focused |
12 |  |  All of the following are effective coping strategies that can benefit adolescents and emerging adults EXCEPT |
|  | A) | not thinking about the problem. |
|  | B) | thinking positively and optimistically. |
|  | C) | increasing self-control. |
|  | D) | seeking social support. |
13 |  |  Anne Masten and her colleagues concluded that |
|  | A) | resilience is an innate trait. |
|  | B) | individuals who are not resilient in adolescence will not be resilient in emerging adulthood |
|  | C) | being resilient in adolescence is linked to continuing to be resilient in emerging adolescence. |
|  | D) | a romantic relationship or the birth of a child may be harmful to a person's resilience. |
14 |  |  14. Recent research has found that use of illicit drugs by secondary school students has from the late 1990s into the 21st century. |
|  | A) | increased |
|  | B) | decreased |
|  | C) | stayed the same |
|  | D) | declined for some drugs and increased for others |
15 |  |  Among adolescents the most widely used drug is |
|  | A) | marijuana. |
|  | B) | cocaine. |
|  | C) | barbiturates. |
|  | D) | alcohol. |
16 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for abuse of alcohol by adolescents and emerging adults? |
|  | A) | heredity |
|  | B) | family influences |
|  | C) | involvement in sports |
|  | D) | personality factors |
17 |  |  Marijuana is a(n) |
|  | A) | stimulant. |
|  | B) | depressant. |
|  | C) | hallucinogen. |
|  | D) | anabolic steroid. |
18 |  |  Valium and Xanax are |
|  | A) | stimulants. |
|  | B) | hallucinogens. |
|  | C) | opiates. |
|  | D) | depressants. |
19 |  |  Cocaine is a |
|  | A) | hallucinogen. |
|  | B) | depressant. |
|  | C) | stimulant. |
|  | D) | narcotic. |
20 |  |  Which of these factors is most important in predicting the lung damage of cigarette smoking? |
|  | A) | How heavily a person smokes |
|  | B) | The brand of cigarettes smoked |
|  | C) | Early age of onset |
|  | D) | Gender |
21 |  |  _____ is associated with lower drug use by adolescents. |
|  | A) | Parental control and monitoring |
|  | B) | Witnessing a sibling with a substance abuse problem |
|  | C) | Witnessing friends' problems with drugs |
|  | D) | All of these |
22 |  |  A longitudinal study by Kenneth Dodge found all of the following to be related to drug use by age 12 EXCEPT |
|  | A) | an increase in harsh punishment in childhood. |
|  | B) | parental use of an authoritative parenting style. |
|  | C) | low parental monitoring. |
|  | D) | hanging out with deviant peers. |
23 |  |  If committed by a minor, which of the following would be considered a status offense? |
|  | A) | robbery |
|  | B) | rape |
|  | C) | homicide |
|  | D) | sexual promiscuity |
24 |  |  Between February and September, Harry, a 14-year-old, ran away from home and got involved in a series of breaking-and-entering offenses. His parents say he is "out of control." The court psychiatrist will likely diagnose him as |
|  | A) | being a delinquent. |
|  | B) | having a conduct disorder. |
|  | C) | a problem child. |
|  | D) | having poor parents. |
25 |  |  What is a major cause of adolescent violence? |
|  | A) | Poor grades |
|  | B) | Powerlessness and rage |
|  | C) | Having no friends |
|  | D) | Access to the Internet |
26 |  |  James Garbarino suggests that the reason why a small minority of youth kills might be |
|  | A) | bad genes. |
|  | B) | spiritual or emotional emptiness. |
|  | C) | poor parenting. |
|  | D) | because they were bullied by others. |
27 |  |  _____ has been linked to an increase in suicidal thoughts. |
|  | A) | Listening to alternative music |
|  | B) | A friend's question about suicidal thoughts |
|  | C) | Receiving psychotherapy |
|  | D) | Taking antidepressant medication |
28 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a recommended way to help a suicidal adolescent? |
|  | A) | Find out if the adolescent has a plan for killing himself. |
|  | B) | Ask direct, straightforward questions in a calm manner. |
|  | C) | Assure the adolescent that everything is under control. |
|  | D) | Help the adolescent find appropriate counseling. |
29 |  |  Which of the following is a risk factor for adolescents to be overweight? |
|  | A) | having parents who constantly talk about nutrition |
|  | B) | watching four or more hours of television a day |
|  | C) | participating in team activities |
|  | D) | having low blood pressure |
30 |  |  The eating disorder characterized by binge-and-purge eating patterns is called |
|  | A) | anorexia nervosa. |
|  | B) | bulimia nervosa. |
|  | C) | obesity. |
|  | D) | dieting. |