Describes characteristics of resilient children, what is meant by resilience, factors that foster resilience, and transitions in development. (
Learn more about the extent of adolescent depression, why it is hard to diagnose, its common symptoms, treatment options, adolescent suicide, and numerous links for related resources. (
Monitoring the Future conducts cross-sectional, in-school surveys through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA), a part of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). (
Includes press releases, research programs, answers to frequently asked questions, and resources for learning more about alcohol abuse. (
Descriptions of drugs of abuse, news releases, and links to other web sites with information about drug abuse are presented. (
Explore various aspects of gangs, such as gang-related legislation, research, and promising strategies for reducing gangs and gang violence. (
For many years, the Oregon Social Learning Center has been one of the leading sites for research on many aspects of aggression and antisocial behavior. At their web site, you can read about current projects, observation research, parenting resources, therapy resources, publications, news articles, and related links. (