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Talking about Drugs at Age 15 (VAD 2.0)
The prevalence of drug use among teens is highlighted in this discussion with two 15-year-old White females and one 15-year-old multicultural female.
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Clip ID 1170 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1170 without closed captioning.

Talking about Drugs at Age 14 (VAD 2.0)
Two 14 year old mature adolescent girls express their views about drug use among teens. One girl says frankly that smoking a joint is no worse than drinking a glass of wine.
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 1245 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1245 without closed captioning.

Substance Use among Young Adults: Expert Interview (VAD 2.0)
Illene Harned, a substance abuse educator at the University of Illinois, describes the frequency of alcohol and marijuana use among college-age populations.
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 1305 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1305 without closed captioning.

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