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Final Words of Wisdom
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Final Words of Wisdom - just a few I promise

Beware! There is more material in this chapter than the previous one. What this means is more work/effort is required (on your part) to internalize the stuff. It also means there is a higher probability of confusion, especially on exams. A simple question involving the difference between ability and aptitudes, or aptitudes and attitudes can be an exercise in frustration, if you just skimmed this chapter – so don’t.

Admittedly, students who have taken introductory psychology (assuming they remember any of it) have an advantage over those who haven’t. That’s because much of OB relies on psychology, especially the first part of this text. Come to think of it those who are successful in organizations tend to have a keen understanding of applied psychology. The good news is you can learn that stuff too.

So you’ll read the whole thing, study hard, and make notes - probably on your own. That’s a good start, but don’t be shy; ask your prof if something doesn’t sit well in your mind. Most (prof-types) like it when students ask questions. Why? Well it demonstrates students are taking an active role in their own learning – they are motivated (MARS Model). Actually, they prefer that than dealing with a whining student after a poor performance on an exam. “The exam was too hard.” seems to be a popular complaint, but not usually from students who ace them.

Oh, and about that thing called aptitudes? It’s something that confuses a lot of students, probably because it isn’t discussed much in schools. Essentially, it’s that natural talent you possess. We can’t teach it to you, because you are born with it. The good news is your ability (and that of employees) is determined not only by your aptitudes but your learned capabilities as well. Aptitudes are great to have, but they are only one part of ability, and even then ability is only one component among many that determine behaviour and results (performance). All this wisdom is just from the MARS model.

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