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Self-Assessment: Are you a sensing or intuitive type?
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Activity: Are you a sensing or intuitive type?

The source of this scale is: Steven L. McShane, University of Western Australia.

Nearly a century ago, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung proposed that personality is primarily represented by the individual's preferences regarding perceiving and judging information. Jung explained that perceiving, which involves how people prefer to gather information or perceive the world around them, occurs through two competing orientations: sensing (S) and intuition (N).
       This self-assessment estimates whether you have a preference for sensing or intuition when perceiving the world around you. Indicate the point that best places you between the two opposing labels of each scale. There is no exact "in-between" option, so you need to indicate which label describes you better, even if only very slightly. This survey has 10 statements.

I think of myself as:
I tend to pay more attention to:
Most people who know me would describe me as:
I prefer thinking about:
I prefer:
When making sense of a situation, I rely more on:
Most people who know me would say I pay more attention to:
I tend to focus on:
Most people who know me would describe me as:
When I make sense of things, I put more weight on:

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