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Final Words of Wisdom
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Final Words of Wisdom - just a few I promise

If you cannot easily or fully grasp the linkages between chapters two, three, and four you might try drawing a super-model that ties in the MARS model (Chapter 2), the model of the perceptual process (Ch 3), and the model of emotions, attitudes, and behaviour. It might be time consuming, and maybe not that pretty, but it might work too. Here’s a tip; models, even conceptual ones lend themselves very well to drawings and pictures.

Also, if it helps, think of this chapter as a sequel to a sequel. If chapter three is the sequel to chapter two, then chapter four is the sequel to chapter three. Because, that is essentially what chapter four is - a continuation of the discussion started in chapters two and three.

The difficulty many students encounter in chapter four is due, in part, on their reliance of previous knowledge acquired outside of class. A case in point is the notion of attitudes, and even the entire model of emotions attitudes and behaviour. There is a tendency for some to fall back on their own notions of what attitudes are. Chances are we’ve all used the word attitude in everyday language, and again chances are we probably share a common non-OB understanding of what it means. I rather doubt most think an attitude is a cluster of three things which is heavily influenced by emotions and emotional episodes, but that’s OB for you. Understanding OB terms that use the same words you do in everyday language is problematic for students. However, identifying such a problem is also key to doing well. So, keep an open mind and be resigned to relearning the language. Who knew something like an attitude could have so many elements? After learning this chapter you’ll know.

If this is the fourth chapter, when is the midterm coming? Feel stressed yet? The mention of the midterm was the trigger (stressor) which caused you to experience a moment of stress. The good news is you’ve chosen to exercise self-leadership by reading all the chapters, attending all the lectures, and used all the helpful parts of this guide. The result is you’ve increased your knowledge and skills. That means you’ll feel more prepared to write an exam, which tends to reduce your anticipatory stress.

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