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Self-Assessment: Are you in touch with your emotions?
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Activity: Are you in touch with your emotions?

Sources: Copyright © 2011 Steven L McShane. This self-assessment was inspired by similar instruments, particularly: N. S. Schutte, et al, “Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence,” Personality and Individual Differences 25, no. 2 (1998): 167–177; C-S Wong and K. S. Law, “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study,” Leadership Quarterly 13 (2002): 243–274; P. J. Jordan, and S. A. Lawrence, “Emotional intelligence in teams: Development and initial validation of the short version of the Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP-S),” Journal of Management & Organization 15 (2009): 452–469.

Purpose: This self-assessment is designed to help you understand the meaning and dimensions of emotional intelligence and to estimate your perceptions of your emotional intelligence.

Overview: Emotional intelligence has become an important concept and ability in the workplace. It is a skill that people develop throughout their lives to help them interact better with others, make better decisions, and manage the attitudes and behaviour of other people. Although emotional intelligence is best measured as an ability test, this scale offers you an opportunity to estimate your perceptions and self-awareness of this ability in yourself.

Instructions: Read each of the statements below and select the response that best describes you. Then use the scoring key in Appendix B of this book to calculate your results. This self-assessment is completed alone so that students rate themselves honestly without concerns of social comparison. However, class discussion will focus on the meaning and dimensions of emotional intelligence, its application in the workplace, and the best ways to measure emotional intelligence.

I tend to describe my emotions accurately.
I show respect for others' opinions, even when I think those opinions are wrong.
I know how others are feeling, even when they try to hide their feelings.
I am good at getting people enthusiastic and motivated.
When I get worried or angry, I have difficulty suppressing those emotions such that others do not notice them.
I have a talent for gauging from their body language a person's true feelings.
I usually know when I am feeling frustrated.
I tend to have difficulty getting people in the right emotional frame of mind.
I am very much aware of my own emotions.
I am able to understand all sides of a disagreement before forming an opinion.
I can easily cheer people up when they are feeling discouraged or sad.
I am sometimes unaware when I get emotional about an issue.
I can tell when others do not mean what they say.
I am good at controlling my own emotions when the situation requires such control.
I sometimes don't realize how others are feeling about an issue.
I have a talent for getting others to share my keenness for an idea.

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