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Final Words of Wisdom
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Final Words of Wisdom - just a few I promise

This isn’t a difficult chapter to study. Well, at least I don’t think so. The reason is its practical approach. That seems to make it easier for many students. Don’t take it for granted though. Learning about OB can be frustrating at times. Especially frustrating is that the concepts and theories that make sense to you now have a tendency to get confusing during the exam. You scream out, “But I’m sure I knew this!” You did! You knew it when you studied it, and maybe a few hours or days after, but under the pressure of an exam situation it all seems so confusing.

My point is that this stuff is not second nature so, don’t take it for granted. Something as simple as the difference between job enrichment and job enlargement can throw you off. No way you say? Well, what about the difference between an employee share ownership plan (ESOP), and a share option plan? Even some business students can’t remember the difference on exams. They sound alike, but trust me the share option is a much better deal.

By the way, when is that midterm? We are at chapter six. What chapters will be tested, and what is the format? How much time will you be given to write the exam? Oh, and most importantly, what should you concentrate on? These are all questions you should be asking just about now. Your prof knows – so ask already. Don’t forget that all- important element of self-leadership called self-reinforcement. That’s where you reward yourself for working hard.

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