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Self-Assessment: How well do you practice self-leadership?
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Activity: How well do you practice self-leadership?

The source of this scale is: C. C. Manz, Mastering Self-Leadership: Empower Yourself for Personal Excellence (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992). Used with permission of the author.

This self-assessment is designed to estimate your self-leadership tendencies. Self-leadership refers to the process of influencing yourself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform a task.
      Indicate the extent to which each statement in this instrument describes you very well or does not describe you at all. Complete each item honestly to get the best estimate of your level of overall self-leadership as well as your levels on each specific component of self-leadership.

I try to keep track of how I am doing while I work.
I often use reminders to help me remember things I need to do.
I like to work toward specific goals I set for myself.
After I perform well on an activity, I feel good about myself.
I seek out activities in my work that I enjoy doing.
I often practice important tasks before I do them.
I usually am aware of how I am performing an activity.
I try to arrange my work area in a way that helps me positively focus my attention on my work.
I establish personal goals for myself.
When I have successfully completed a task, I often reward myself with something I like.
When I have a choice, I try to do my work in ways that I enjoy rather than just trying to get it over with.
I like to go over an important activity before I actually perform it.
I keep track of my progress on projects I am working on.
I try to surround myself with objects and people that bring out my desirable behaviors.
I like to set task goals for my performance.
When I do an assignment especially well, I like to treat myself to something or an activity I enjoy.
I try to build activities into my work that I like doing.
I often rehearse my plan for dealing with a challenge before I actually face the challenge.

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