Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)Chapter 21:
The Evidence for EvolutionLearning OutcomesChapter 21
- Describe of evolutionary information the fossil record provides and how we know that it is reliable.
- Explain how horses evolved from dog-size browsers to present fleet-footed grazers.
- Explain why beak size in Darwin’s finches provides a classic example of evolution by natural selection.
- Explain how industrial melanism can shift phenotypes within a population as a result of natural selection.
- Recognize how artificial selection by humans results in evolutionary change.
- Understand why studies of homology, development, imperfect structures and vestigial structures provide important information supporting evolution.
- Explain how the molecular record provides evidence for evolution.
- Describe and give examples of convergent evolution.
- Understand why there is still public controversy regarding the teaching of evolution.
- Understand the lines of scientific evidence that support evolution to be able to refute the arguments why evolution should not be taught in schools.
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